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A stylish card including your personal message will accompany your gift
A exquisite bouquet PLUS gourmet chocolates PLUS a lovely full sized card – after all, mum deserves it. Her bouquet will be handcrafted using the freshest flowers, and arranged beautifully on display so it wows when it arrives. The florist will also pop your message in the card. This year our Mother’s Day bouquets are all about gorgeous pastels with pops of colour. Expect to see blooms in shades of baby pink, cream, and lemon with bursts of cerise and tangerine, and highlights of pale blue and lilac. • This Mother’s Day bouquet will be handcrafted by their local florist. • It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand. • It's guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least 7 days, or we'll put it right. • It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly. • The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable. • It comes with chocolates plus a full-sized card card, the florist will add your message inside (usually by hand). • If you need pet-friendly flowers, pop that request (or any others) in the box that asks if there’s anything you’d like the florist to know. They’ll try to make it happen but we can’t guarantee it.
All prices in GBP (£)
Luxury Mother's Day Bundle
Luxury Mother's Day Bundle - £73.00
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